News & Events
Lenten Musical Mediation
On Wednesdays, during the season of Lent, our Music Director, Alice, is presenting Lenten Musical Mediations in the Sanctuary of the Church.
This reflective time will include short scripture passages and musical arrangements of hymns to meditate on as we pray to and spend time with God.
The mediations begin at 12:00pm noon on Wednesday, March 12 and continue each Wednesday through April 9th.
Adoration and Stations of the Cross
Each Friday during Lent, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin after the 8:30am daily Mass and continues until 12pm noon.
Immediately following Adoration, we will have Benediction and Stations of the Cross.
Join us as we take this time to be with the Lord in prayer.
Coffee and Theology on Wednesdays
Join Father Patrick for Coffee and Theology on Wednesday, March 26th at 9:30 am in the Social Hall.
Coffee and Theology focuses on topics of our Catholic faith, reflecting on faith tradition as well as contemporary issues facing the Church.